Saturday, 18 April 2015

Hellbound - Review

My very first TOJam ("Sixy Times" in 2011), I remember Jim McGinley coming over to check out my game "You Win!" that I had helped my friend Michael Patoine make (since he does all the programming). I remember a huge sense of accomplishment when he told us afterwards that we had a really great idea (the entire game is backwards). Now, this next bit may just be my mind making up lovely embellishments, but I seem to recall Jim going on emphatically after that about "these are the kinds of games" he wanted to see.

Hellbound by EndGame is one of these games.

As I entered the GBC room in which Hellbound was being showcased last year, I saw Jim standing with three other people, a huge, goofy grin on his face, as he raced to the death to avoid entering into Hell. "I love what you did with this!" he said*. "It's very fun!" he probably continued. "Come over here," he said, spotting me, "you have to try this!" When his race was finished, he passed me the controller. He was so into it, he continued to talk to one of the devs, while another was trying to explain the controls to my friend and I. Obviously, my attention was split - how could it not be, seeing Jim so excited? Unfortunately for the both of us, I don't recall the rest of Jim's conversation before he had to move on... as soon I was about to race to the death myself.

I think the biggest draw for the game is it's concept and incorporation of the theme "After You". Instead of something chasing you, EndGame went with the more polite approach of "After You." (I very much imagine someone else immediately responding with "No, after you," while peering passive-aggressively and gesturing with an open hand.)

Hellbound is a race you don't want to win. Literally. Four characters ride motorcycles towards the entrance to Hell, and the object of the game is to come in last place - because if you're first you know where you're going. As you head down the highway to Hell you're actually trying your best to run into obstacles to slow your speed demon of a vehicle down, while shooting rockets at your rivals to make them go faster and get there first.

CONCEPT: 4/5 - Fantastic spin on a racing game!
CONTROLS: 5/5 - They're simple and they work well - even though the game is FAST, and therefore difficult.
STORY: 1.5/5 - I imagined a very simple story when I played.
GRAPHICS: 4/5 - Clean line art, fun colours, and facial expressions so hilarious that they kill me!
SOUND: 3/5**
ENJOYABILITY: 5/5 - This game is FUN. Excellent for parties. I'd play it over and over.


Hellbound is a hilariously fun and competitive game to play with your friends. I highly recommend checking it out***. Especially if you have a large HD monitor, four X-Box 360 controllers, and three friends with good senses of humour.

I now leave you with this quote that encapsulates the spirit of the game:

"So the last shall be first, and the first last..." Matthew 20:16

*I don't actually have any quotes written down. I may be romanticizing this moment in my memory as well. Jim was most certainly praising this game, however.

**Sadly I did not record a score for the sound at TOJam last year, and the game will not open on my computer - seeing an error message instead. I do remember it had music, and sound effects. I feel like they fit the game. But I don't remember them. You know? Therefore, an average score to be as fair as I can be.

***And hopefully it will work on your computer.


  1. Hey there, thanks for the kind words! I'm one of the developers of Hellbound.

    For all the fans of the game, there's actually an updated version of the game at my personal site:

    This version has some extra goodies like AI players, better menus, and some slightly tweaked visuals. Maybe it'll help you fix the problems you have with running the thing on your computer too. (You can play it in the web page using the Unity Web Player, or download it using the links at the bottom of the page.)

    Anyway, thanks again for the review, and keep an eye out for what our team does for this year's TOJam! ;)

    1. Excellent! I'll add a link to the updated version of the game when I get a chance. In the meantime, did you want me to link your twitter handle or a website as well? The other devs involved?

    2. Sure! Here's some personal sites of myself and (some of) the other devs involved:

      You can also check us out at these twitter handles (of the team members who use it): @Kronopath (mine, though I don't use it much outside of game jams), @Jynsing, @CaecusGames, and our wonderful musician at @FinsOfAir.

    3. Sorry, my mistake: while @FinsOfAir is a talented musician that we've worked with frequently, he wasn't actually involved with this project! The musician for Hellbound is @mostlymarius.
