Friday, 10 April 2015

Friendshape - Review

Meet Rectingle and Pi. One's a happy blue square. The other's an angry pink circle.

This may sound like the makings of a new family friendly sitcom, but it isn't. Instead, Friendshape is a puzzle-platformer by WuTangTan that is surprisingly challenging while remaining for the most part, simple. The gameplay reminds me of Chariot, only without any way to anchor your little shapes, which makes timing even more key. This is also where I tend to fail at platformers - timing my jumps has always been something that makes me anxious. Lucky for me, I excel at puzzles, which is balanced perfectly in this little gem.

While the difficulty progression doesn't feel quite even to me, there remains a good variety of difficulty among the levels. Overcoming the harder levels, even inelegantly, simply feels satisfying. As does beating one of the easier levels perfectly. It can be frustrating at times, yet it never feels like the game is kicking you while you're down.

CONCEPT: 2/5 - It feels connected to the theme. As are the shapes.
CONTROLS: 4/5 - Hard by yourself. Not the most intuitive (for solo play).
STORY: 1/5 - What story? The shapes have names. I'll give you a point for that.
GRAPHICS: 4/5 - Cute retro pixels that get the job done.
SOUND: 4/5 - The retro early midi music is pleasing to the ear, fits with the design, and is also satisfying. Didn't notice many SFX.
QUIRKINESS: 2/5 - This might've been a bit higher had I not seen Chariot first.
ENJOYABILITY: 4/5 - Probably more fun with a friend!


Playing Friendshape, you really get the sense that the designer loves puzzles. If you also love puzzles, what can be more satisfying than that?


  1. Replies
    1. You're welcome! Is there a twitter handle or website you'd like me to add for folks to click on (for yourself and/or the rest of you're team)?
