Friday, 20 March 2015

Prisoneers - Review

Imagine you've been incarcerated - for anything. Then imagine that you and your cellmate have planned an escape - and succeeded - except for one nagging detail: you and your cellmate are shackled together by a heavy chain at the neck, with proximity grenades attached to your collars that will make YOUR HEAD EXPLODE if the two of you get more than six feet apart from each other.

Welcome to Prisoneers, the game that Ottawawawawawawawa developped during TOJam 9 last year. It's an enjoyably difficult cooperative game that makes use of dollar-store sandals and an aluminum catering lid as the controller, which is originally what caught my eye on Twitter in the first place.

CONCEPT: 2/5 - Marginally related to the theme "After You!"
CONTROLS: 4.5/5 - Would have been better if not controlling sandals with hands. That was a bit awkward, though still fun.
STORY: 2.5/5 - I don't recall actually seeing any story in the game itself, however what I wrote above was inspired by the developers' explanation they gave me in person.
GRAPHICS: 3/5 - Blocky 3D figures that are reminiscent of first generation PSX games, and certain games for the Wii. (I was originally thinking of Muscle March, but those are more detailed graphics than I remembered.) However the simplicity holds a certain charm, and who really wants to see detailed gore when your head explodes... really? A great job for a weekend's work.
SOUND: 1/5 - Unfortunately, I don't recall any sound besides explosions, if any.
QUIRKINESS: 5/5 - This game gets full quirkiness points for the idea of the controller alone!
ENJOYABILITY: 4/5 - Difficult, but I could see it being beatable with practice and/or a better partner. Simply put, FUN.


I've said it before and I'll say it again; Prisoneers is a brilliantly wacky, fun game. The controls are intuitive, as was the minimalistic title screen. It's the kind of game I'd hope to see in a theatre or Japanese arcade. Perfect for getting in arguments with your siblings over, then later succeeding and bonding over the realization of your mutual accomplishment. Prisoneers is not recommended for those faint of cooperation or patience. If you're a control freak, there is also the option to play it by yourself with your keyboard at home. Even then, it's a challenge. I've tried it.

Great job, Ottawawawawawawawawawa.


You can follow Jason Nuyens, one of the developers @generaltao.

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