Friday, 20 March 2015

A Short Word

Hey fellow players!

I just wanted to say a few things before I posted this week's review.

Firstly, please keep in mind that all games I review here are JAM games, most often made in 48 hours or less at TOJam*. I'm not expecting perfection, so you shouldn't either. Sometimes, we can both be pleasantly surprised when something is polished. Whenever possible, I will be linking to the game in it's Jam incarnation, and a more current version (if any).

I have a bit of an unconventional writing and reviewing style. Personally, I look for QUIRKINESS in a game, so that attribute will feature heavily in my reviews and is its own category to be rated. I feel that uniqueness is something to be celebrated, rather than mocked or looked down upon. I seek out and thrive upon the weird.

Also, I tend to be a very critical person, so some of my ratings may come off harsh, even when viewing the games through a 48 hour lens**.

Finally, this is all intended to be in good fun! Really, I'm just hoping this will make people more aware of what amazing independent developers, artists, musicians, and creators we have here in Toronto and Canada*** at large. This is something to be CELEBRATED!

So let's get out there and play and make more games!

(And don't be afraid to leave comments!)

*Unless otherwise stated.
**I'm apologizing in advance. Hopefully there won't be any issues.
***Do Americans or other international people participate in TOJam? Jim?****

****Hey, if Terry Pratchett can do it, so can I!*****

*****Footnote a footnote, that is. Sad thing about his passing, truly. Discworld books are great satirical works of fiction. Read them. Seriously.

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